Children do not wet bed intentionally; they have no control over this situation. Do not make them feel guilty, by getting angry or acting disgusted. Try to be supportive and understanding. Follow the correct sleeping schedule will make it easier to wake up when the bladder is full.

Enuresis is defined as involuntary discharge of urine after the age at which bladder control should have been established. Children who can control their bladders during the day, but who have never been dry at night for at least a sixmonth period, have what is known medically as primary nocturnal enuresis, the most common form of bed-wetting. In Ayurveda, this condition is termed as Shayyaa mootra. Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis is the term used to describe the condition where night time bladder control is possible only for the first six months and then bed-wetting begins again. Three out of four toddlers stay dry all night by age four. By five years, one in five still wets the bed and at six, the numbers drop to one in ten. Just about all, bed-wetting stops by the time children reach puberty.

at least a sixmonth period, have what is known medically as primary nocturnal enuresis, the most common form of bed-wetting. In Ayurveda, this condition is termed as Shayyaa mootra. Secondary Nocturnal Enuresis is the term used to describe the condition where night time bladder control is possible only for the first six months and then bed-wetting begins again. Three out of four toddlers stay dry all night by age four. By five years, one in five still wets the bed and at six, the numbers drop to one in ten. Just about all, bed-wetting stops by the time children reach puberty.

The prevalence at age 5years is 7% for males and 3% for females. At age 10, it is 3% for males and 2% for females and at age 18years, it is 1% for males and extremely rare for females. General population studies carried out in India show that 2.5% in the age group of 0 to 10 years have enuresis. Generally, bed-wetting before age 7 isn’t a concern. At this age, your child may still be developing nighttime bladder control.

Bed -wetting without a physical cause does not result in any health risks. But it impact on child psychological health, it creates Guilt and embarrassment, which can lead to low selfesteem, Loss of opportunities for social activities such as sleepovers and camp.

Bed-wetting isn’t a problem related with toilet training. It’s often just a typical part of a child’s development. Previously, bed-wetting was believed to be the problem of defective parenting or psychological problems. Today, it is suspected that bed-wetting is caused by slow development of the nerves that control the bladder.

In the part of parents and child apart from extra laundry, bed-wetting interrupts sleeping patterns and causes scores of problems associated with sleep deprivation.

Most children outgrow bed-wetting on their own — but some need a little help. In some cases there are some underlying condition which should address with proper counseling or treatment. There are some symptoms which need the attention they are like:

Child still wets the bed after age 7.
Child starts to wet the bed after a few months of being dry at night.

If the child has pain while passing urine, feel extra thirsty, urine color is pink or red.

Child has constipation or snoring.

Enuresis or Shayyaa mootrata comes under the heading of kshudraroga i.e. the group of diseases which have insignificant Hetu (Etiology), Lakshana (symptoms) as well as treatment. They have no types or subtypes, or no detail description has been given.

Causes for the problem of bed wetting is not sure but several issues may play the role such as
Small bladder
Impair nervine control
Hormonal imbalance
Urinary tract infection
Sleep apnea, Diabetes & Ongoing constipation

Complications : Without a physical cause does not result in any health risks. But bed-wetting can create some issues for your child
Frustration, Guilt and embarrassment
Low self-esteem
Loss of opportunities for social activities
Rashes on child’s buttock and genital area
Signs of sleep deprivation

Risk Factors : Bed-wetting can affect anyone, but it’s twice as common in boys as in girls.
Stress and anxiety – Stressful events may trigger bed-wetting. Examples include having a new baby in the family, starting a new school or sleeping away from home.
Family history : If one or both of a child’s parents has the history of enuresis, their child has an increased chance of bed wetting
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Bed-wetting is more common in children who have ADHD.

Treatment – Bed-wetting problem should treat with patience and understanding. Lifestyle changes, Bladder training, Moisture alarms and Sometimes medicine may help to relieve the problem 
Medicines are – Vishatinduka vati, Shilajitwaadi vati, Chandraprabha vati, NEO (Charak) & MENTAT (Himalaya), coriander seeds+ pomegranate flowers+ sesame seeds+ babul gum+ crystal sugar with water or milk, Sarshapa choorna with half cup of milk before going to bed gives good results, Bimbi Mula Svarasa, Use of Ahiphena, JatiMula Kashaya is also mentioned in the treatment of shayyamutrata.

Guidelines & Precautions

Children do not wet bed intentionally; they have no control over this situation. Do not make them feel guilty, by getting angry or acting disgusted. Try to be supportive and understanding.
Follow the correct sleeping schedule will make it easier to wake up when the bladder is full.
The bowels should be kept clear so that thread worms do not trouble at night. Items like potato, green gram, chocolates, tea, coffee and spicy items that produce gas should be restricted.
Liquid food should not be taken for a few hours before bedtime. The child should be made to empty the bladder before going to bed. Set an alarm clock two to three hours after he falls asleep so that he or she can be awakened to go to the bathroom. Bladder stretching exercises help a lot to combat this situation. Avoid stress inducing factors, Stress can be dealt with by exercise, massage, meditation, yoga, relaxation techniques, etc.

Dr. Rachana Devendra Ramteke
Associate Professor,
Shri Ayurved College, Nagpur.

Preventive measures of Osteoporosis

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