Nutrition For Joint Care

JOINTS : are the movable connections between two or more bones and the interesting thing is that you have 360 joints in your body. 


SPINE : is the Structural support for the body, allowing us to stand upright.


SPINE – Referred to as – “Meru Dhandha ” or the ” axis of the universe”

Nutrition plays a crucial role in supporting the wellness of your bones, joints including your spine but is Often an overlooked component of spinal health. Dietitian Suhana highlights on the role of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet, the risk of debilitating issues from spinal degeneration and osteoporosis are reduced.

Relationship between back pain and diet have been found. Diet high in sugar and salt being strongly associated with back pain where as a high Protein diet had the opposite effect. 

Water :- Water is very important thing needed for joint health and strong spine. water is a component which lubricates and cushions joint, Water protects the cartilage our muscle tissue is about 75% water and dehydration can reduce muscle tone. Water deliver nutrients and remove waste.

Water is the World’s first and foremost medicine :
Everytime we move, pressure is exerted on the spine. This pressure causes compression, and compression causes the water at  the center of the discs to leak out. When we consume water, discs can rehydrate.  

Nutrients require for a healthy Spine :
The Spine is the tree of life, Respect it.
1. Calcium :- The most important nutrient needed for bone health is calcium. Without this bones become weak and fragile.
a. Makhana – is the very easily available and tasty food which is rich in calcium. Roasted masala makhana, makhana kheer, chocolate makhana, makhana-tikki are the easy and delicious snack options you can give to your children and you can eat.
b. Milk and milk products – Rich in calcium and Protein. Milk is the nutritious thing which we all consume either the first or the last thing in a day. Paneer, cheese, Curd- all are almost everyone’s favourite and easily available.
c. Sessame Seeds :- Black till or white till contains calcium in abundant. You can add till on parathas, sandwich and ’till ke laddoo’ is almost everybody’s favourite in winters.
2. Vitamin D :- To absorb calcium you need vitamin D. Nowadays, We see 80% of people are suffering from vitamin D deficiency.

The best source of vitamin D is Sunlight and we are lacking as we have long buildings which do not allow sunlight to reach directly  to us, or else we don’t have time to sit and get enough sunlight. 

The other sources are egg yolk. flexseeds, brocolli & mushroom

3. Magnesium :- Magnesium is another nutrient that plays an important role in bone health. Similar to vitamin D magnesium enhances absorption of calcium from blood to bone. 

Spinach, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sessame seeds, cashews, almonds are rich in magnesium.

4. Vitamin K :- Low level of vitamin k are also emerging as dietary risk factor for osteoporosis.

5. Omega-3 fatty acids :- omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation in the body.

Rich source is fish which reduces joint & cartilage inflammation. Other sources are chia seeds, cod liver oil, flaxseeds, walnuts.

What Not To Eat For Bone Health :
1. Refined sugar, 2. Soft drinks, 3. Excessive caffeine, 4. Alcohol 5. Processed foods, 6. Cigarettes 

Exercise is important for bone health throughout life and can help prevent fractures and osteoporosis.

Suhana Kriplani

Suhana Kriplani
Nutritionist and Lifestyle Coach

Health Benefits of Carrot

सर्दी के ऋतु में मिलनेवाली गाजर का सेवन स्वास्थय के लिए अत्यंत लाभकारी है, जानिए डॉक्टर अंजु ममतानी से…….

Health Benefits of Carrot

सर्दी के ऋतु में मिलनेवाली गाजर का सेवन स्वास्थय के लिए अत्यंत लाभकारी है, जानिए डॉक्टर अंजु ममतानी से…….

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